“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
Modern Christians place great emphasis on personal salvation, but we must remember that God is also the God of the nations. That being so, our own nation, so greatly blessed of God in the past, may well be in great peril, for “the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17).
Our nation was founded by men who had strong faith in God, and its laws were based on the laws of God. The schools all honored the Lord and His Word, taught the truth of special creation, and enforced Biblical morality among the students. Today, God and anything associated with Him are banned from the classroom, His laws are no longer taken seriously in the courts and legislatures, and evolutionary humanism is, in effect, the state-endorsed religion. Divorce and immorality are affecting most of the nation’s homes; business and finance are ubiquitously plagued with greed and dishonesty; the sins of homosexuality, drunkenness, and drug use are rampant, and atheistic, New Age globalism is an imminent threat at our gates.
God would even have spared Sodom, though, if there had been ten righteous (Genesis 18:32), and America has evidently been spared thus far because it is still the nerve center of world missions and Christian literature, as well as aid for the sick and needy. The modern revival of true creationism is centered in this nation, and serious Biblical interest is growing in many places, yet worldliness, apostasy, and compromise are eating away at the heart of American Christianity, and there is great need for a revival—not of religious emotionalism, but of genuine commitment to the integrity and authority of God’s Word. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Psalm 33:12). HMM