Uncovering the Truth About Creation Conference • Atascadero, CA.

Where did everything come from? The Bible says God is the Creator. But, did God create everything in six days like it says in Genesis, or did He use evolution to create? What about dinosaurs? Did they co-exist with humans, or did they die out millions of years ago? Genesis provides the answers to these and other origins mysteries. Join ICR's Mr. Dave Napier and learn about the scientific evidence that supports the Bible at ICR's Uncovering the Truth About Creation Conference at Refuge Church in Atascadero, CA on Saturday, July 13th!

Date: Jul 13, 2024

Registration and Schedule

This is a free conference, and registration is not required for attendance. During the lunch hour the church will be providing box lunches available for purchase at $10 each, to purchase a lunch, please go here.

Saturday, July 13th, 2024
Time Session Title Description
9:00 a.m. Seminar Open
9:10 a.m. Session One Designed to Glorify In this talk, Dave exposes the evolutionary ideas that have become strongholds within the Christian community. Compromising Christians add millions of years and random mutations to creation, in order to appease conventional science. The outcome is that they malign the character of God, make the cross of Christ irrelevant, and disagree with good observational science. The audience will walk away firm in their faith and emboldened in their witness, knowing that all living things were designed to glorify our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:00 a.m. Break
10:20 a.m. Session Two The Rocks Cry Out In this talk, Dave clears up misunderstandings surrounding the global flood. So many people think that 40 days and 40 nights of rain just couldn't have that much effect on the earth. However, the Bible tells us that this was nothing like the Sunday School story we were told. The global flood, recorded in the Bible, was a year-long, catastrophic event that changed the face of the earth forever. As we lay out the evidence, we look at the Bible, history, geology, and radiometric dating. Each of these topics points us to a one-of-a-kind event with a whole lot of water - water that God says was there in the beginning. You will walk away with a better understanding of how the geological formations of the earth are best explained by the global flood.
11:10 a.m. Break
11:30 a.m. Session Three The View from the Tower In this talk, Dave takes a look at the "so-called" races and exposes the false thinking of evolution. Over the last 30 years science has finally started catching up with the Bible. Understanding genetics and linguistics has allowed conventional science to realize there are no races. We are all one people! It is in light of the Bible that different people groups and varied languages start to make sense.
12:20 p.m. Lunch Break Lunch is provided by the church at $10 each person. Click here to purchase a box lunch.
1:20 p.m. Session Four The De-Evolutionizing of Dinosaurs Who doesn't like dinosaurs? There's only one thing bad about them. Every time you hear about them it's "65 Million Years ago..." The truth is, we have evidence of man living with dinosaurs. If dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, like we are told, how did people know what they looked like? This fun and engaging presentation is meant for all ages and discusses the evidence that dinosaurs are in the Bible, lived with man, and walked the earth in recent history. The observable evidence points to a recent creation.
2:10 p.m. Q&A
2:30 p.m. Seminar Dismissal

Refuge Church
6955 Portola Road
Atascadero, CA 93422

For more information, please call 214.615.8333 or email events@icr.org.

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