Olivet Church - Abbotsford, BC

Dr. Frank Sherwin will be speaking on the Design of Sheep during the Sunday Morning Worship Service at Olivet Church in Abbotsford, BC.

Date: May 26, 2024

This is a free event, and registration is not required.


Sunday, May 26th, 2024
Time Title Description
10:00 a.m. The Design of Sheep Sheep are mentioned more frequently than any other animal in the Bible - about 750 times. The Bible makes many comparisons between the ways of sheep and people. Dr. Sherwin answers questions regarding these wooly animals including, where did sheep come from? Why is wool so insulating? What is the significance of the Passover lamb (Numbers 9)? Verses in Exodus 15, Zechariah 13, Jeremiah chapters 10 and 23, Ezekiel 34, and Revelation 15 are discussed.

Olivet Church
2630 Langdon Street
Abbotsford, BC V2T 3L2

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Email: info@creationbc.org
Phone: 604.535.0019

To contact The Institute for Creation Research you may do so using the following information:
Email: events@icr.org
Phone: 214.615.8333

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