Remembering Patti Morse | The Institute for Creation Research

Remembering Patti Morse
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. (Acts 20:24)

After a seven-year battle with cancer, Patti Morse went home to be with her Lord on May 15, 2022. Her husband, Chas, is ICR Director of Donor Relations, and Patti served alongside him as a faithful volunteer and supporter of ICR’s ministry over many years. Chas and Patti’s commitment to each other and faithfulness in glorifying the Lord Jesus throughout this difficult journey has been a powerful example to everyone around them.

Patti’s volunteer roles included representing ICR at conferences across the country, answering questions and suggesting resources for those seeking guidance about creation science, assisting the Events staff with resource packing, decorating and serving at special dinners for other volunteers and our board of directors, and, most recently, acting as a docent at our Dallas creation museum, the ICR Discovery Center.

Even during her cancer treatment, Patti served at the Discovery Center. Her cheerful, loving presence was always such a blessing to the employees, her fellow volunteers, and each guest she encountered. Whatever task she was given, she jumped in with all her heart. Guests always left her station encouraged and with smiles on their faces. At times, she would even stop and pray with someone about something that was going on in their lives.

We heard so many say, “Patti is the sweetest person I’ve ever met.” And we knew it was true. Patti treated every interaction she had with family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers as her mission field. She walked the walk, loved others well, and put the Lord first in her life. Her love for Jesus shone bright even during these years of intense physical and emotional trials.

Thank you, Patti Morse, for your many years of dedicated, faithful, genuine, sacrificial service at ICR. We will miss you and look forward to our heavenly reunion.

A Few Words from ICR Staff:

“Patti is the most encouraging person that I’ve ever met! She has the gift of encouragement in abundance, and she used it constantly to point everyone to the Lord Jesus. There was no doubt with Patti that the fount for her inspiring words flowed from the character of the God that she revered and His certain promises. That confidence was also the fuel for her faithful love for Chas that all could plainly see was beyond measure. Patti’s spirit lifted everyone around her, and all of us at ICR are richer for having received so much of her love.”
—Dr. Randy Guliuzza, ICR President

“Patti was one of the sweetest and kindest people I have ever met….She loved people and was an encouragement to everyone around her. As a volunteer at the ICR Discovery Center, she was capable of any task or project she was given. It is clear that she lived her life to honor the Lord in all that she did, whether it be in the little details of life or in larger, more complex undertakings. She was a blessing!”
— Chris Kinman, Director of the ICR Discovery Center

“Chas and Patti have been faithful friends and wise mentors. Patti was a constant encourager, cheering me on to work ‘as unto the Lord’ and to run the race well. I want to be known for a love like Patti’s. She set a high bar with her passion for knowing, loving, and serving the Lord, and her drive to practically serve, bless, and encourage people like they were her own family.”
— Michael Hansen, ICR Director of Digital Media

“The biggest thing that stood out to me was her incredible passionate love for God and for everyone around her. She was always, always thinking about how she could serve and love God and whoever He brought into her path—even during these last long, often painful years of her cancer battle. She has left a deep mark on my heart and life. We will all miss her, but I’m so grateful that she’s now with the Lord she loves.”
— Lauren Pennington, ICR Discovery Center Volunteer Coordinator

"Such a sweet sister and role model! I will never forget Patti’s joyous spirit and desire to invest herself in the lives of all those she encountered. She embodied how a godly woman can endure suffering yet continue to glorify God with every word and action."
— Rebecca Morris Barber, ICR Discovery Center Guest Services Associate
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